Monday, July 21, 2008

A Walking Blessing

Life is a journey, and on that journey we come across many uncertain paths. Each path carries with it the opportunity to learn an important life lesson. However, it is our choice to either ignore or embrace those lessons. My brother’s life took an uncertain path, and through that he taught me the importance of living, loving and appreciating those we care for.

My brother David and I never had the typical brother/sister relationship. Instead, we were best friends. Our relationship cultivated over a lovely picnic on a fine summer’s afternoon. I was a week old, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We grew up together, and through the years we have partaken in many random adventures in the other’s company. We camped in our teepee in the garage. We dumpster dove at the local nursery so my mom would have flowers for the yard. We played army and Pretty, Pretty Princess so that we wouldn’t neglect the enjoyment of the other.

As we grew older, we grew up and grew apart but were still always there for each other. He was still my best friend. We were able to attend one year of high school together. I was a freshman and he was a senior, and looking back I never once saw him in the hallways. Perhaps it was because I was in the freshman wing, but the higher probability is that we were avoiding each other. There is no sure-fire reason as to why that is, but we remained best friends and were very protective of each other.

As the younger sister, I spent a fair amount of time eavesdropping on others’ conversations throughout the day, ears perked for David’s name. The majority of the conversations revolved around how attractive my brother was and whether or not he would ask random “Girl A” on a date.

However, one day the conversations differed, and I heard something that I’ll never forget. I was perched against a locker when the words assaulted my senses. “You know David Forbess? I heard he’s got cancer.” Shocked, I immediately went home and checked with my family. The rumor was true. My brother had been diagnosed with Melanoma.

That day I learned how uncertain life could be. Tomorrow truly isn’t guaranteed, and many unexpected or unplanned events could occur. Over the next few months, my brother taught me the power of perseverance and the will to just hang on, despite the odds. Tomorrow may not be guaranteed, but today, and more importantly right now, is. Life deserves to be lived and people deserve to be loved. He struggled through many months of difficult procedures, and we were ecstatic the day we learned he was cancer free.

Although I’ve told him countless times, my brother still doesn’t fully understand the magnitude of the lesson he taught me. However, he taught me that people deserve to be loved, appreciated and valued. He’s changed my life by teaching me to view life in a different perspective. I now know that my life is a journey to be enjoyed completely. I will love compassionately and appreciate each person for the unique lesson they’ve etched in the storybook of my life.

By: Courtney Forbess

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